Weather report for Tulsa on April 26, 2010-
Today it has been cloudy with a little sun in the morning but cloudy of the rest of the day. Right now it is a little bit chilly with none to very small rain here and there. It has been windy for most of the day but it has died down since. Advice would be to wear a small jacket when outside and no spring clothes. Also, a umbrella.
Temperature-high-66 F low-46 F right now- 51F
Wind speed and direction- 7 miles per hour going west
Gusts- 0 miles per hour
Feels like-51 F
Weather watches or warnings- There are no watches or warnings
Visibility- 10 miles
Dew point-45 degrees
Barometric pressure-29.88"
Cloud coverage and precipitation- 24% cloud coverage 40% precipitation
Darlington, South Carolina
Today about half an hour ago, a tornado was confirmed hit the ground and caused all the weather damage in Darlington, South Carolina. It happened late evening to night time. It touched down in Oats, South Carolina at 7:40 pm. Thats where the strongest damage was.It traveled 30 miles per hour and hit parts of the town Darlington. It was mostly on the ground through the 13 mile path. It blew of the cain elementary school's off at the winds 110 miles per hour. Its width was about 75 miles. On the Fujita scale it was an average tornado being only a F-2. Heres a link to the tornado caught on tape.